Do not massage the body with useful and necessary for good health of the entire system History provides is one of the oldest known methods of treatment.
Do you choose one of our offered massages to enjoy the relief will be sufficient.
İlkbal Deluxe Hotel |Spa
İlkbal Deluxe Hotel |Massage
With muscles and relaxing massage performed with gentle movements from head to toe with relaxing effect allows the relaxation of the muscles and tissues in the body.
help you get rid of the stress and fatigue of the day comfortable and fit yourself in a pleasant environment and our classic Swedish massage that will make you feel rested therapy is offered in 50 minutes.
Medicinal plant roots, flowers and leaves with a mixture of oils obtained from having a relaxing aromatherapy massage relaxing and soothing properties of our mood and our energy level of our health improves considerably.
Two people at the same time and 4 hands massage is applied, is made with a very special mixture prepared with aromatherapy oils, another name is the Sultan massage. Prepared your comfort sultan massage performed by two therapists.
Another beauty secret of our traditions is a Turkish bath and massage foam pouch. Your dead body thrown into the skin, opening the pores of your body’s more comfortable to take the oxygen, to win the vitality of your skin and helps improve your blood circulation.